Showing posts with label Service Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Service Reviews. Show all posts

Monday, April 7, 2014

Disaster Restoration, Home Remediation, and Home Service Companies have an experienced advertising ally with

Television advertising is still the strongest and most effective form of advertising.  If you own a disaster restoration company in the U.S. or Canada, I bet competition for market share is high.  Often, the tactics of some of the bigger restoration/remediation companies means to attack or mock the smaller companies.

"They only have 3 trucks and 6 employees, they can't handle bigger jobs," they will clamor, omitting the fact that they themselves often need to resort to using subcontractors or share resources for bigger restoration jobs.  What your smaller restoration company needs is a solid plan -- a business AND marketing plan.  Then, you need to assess your budgets and align them with your expectations.

If you can afford to invest enough advertising dollars to reach 100 GRPs of your market (that's gross rating points) every month and sustain that for a whole year, if that won't break your advertising budget, do it.  Why?  You need to advertise consistently to build your name awareness and be top-of-mind.

No one plans on a disaster

No one ever wants to make a call to your company, but if they come home to a flooded home, chances are if you're in Richmond Virginia you will remember to call "MA Williams Heating and Air" over someone else.  Why?  They advertise.  They stand out, they air memorable TV spots that break through the local clutter and catch the viewers' attention.

Many companies out there strive to accomplish raising their market profile but without a cohesive plan in place, a budget and a commitment to let advertising work for them, they fall short.  They resort to all sorts of ploys, radio, email campaigns, mailers, newspaper ads.  Still, all advertising studies prove that as effective as an advertising mix is, you're still much better off -- 20 to 1 in many cases when measuring your ROI, to invest your advertising into television first and augment with the rest.

TV leaves a bigger imprint on the brain

This is a fact that people who view video recall the content much more frequently and longer than any other form of advertising.  Since TV is so effective, if your company is spending money on other forms of advertising and your fleet vehicles are decked out, your company office building and warehouse(s) are clean and marked with excellent signage, your website is SMART PHONE FRIENDLY, and you already have a sales manager to build relationships within the community, focus on your budget and expectations to see if you shouldn't allocate any remaining advertising dollars to a persistent, consistent, and memorable television ad campaign so you can STAY TOP OF MIND.

For more information, visit

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Know someone in the home restoration or home recovery business? They can enter their business in a free directory that gets top search engine rankings.

Free advertising and business listings are available for all disaster restoration and home service companies. has decided to lend their great search engine rankings for "restoration advertising" to these companies as a gesture to the millions of dollars of business these companies have given to over the past 10 years.  So if you're a home restoration, remediation, recovery, or service business, please sign up, have your friends sign up, if they get more phone calls and referrals and we can help, that's good news for everybody!

Just pass on this link:

Thank you again for letting us partner with so many incredible small businesses across the U.S. and Canada!

- Aaron Belchamber

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Beware of Moving Company Scams: All My Sons Moving, Jacksonville Florida Practicing Deceptive Bidding & Switch and Bait Pricing

If you are moving to Jacksonville, I suggest getting multiple quotes and AVOID at all costs "All My Sons Moving" in Jacksonville.

I was quoted one price and they showed up and wanted to charge me double, including charging me a "fuel surcharge" on all three hours -- they only stayed for less than two!  What does fuel have to do with the two hours they were at my house, anyway?  They failed to mention any of this in my phone quote, even after I explicitly asked them if there were any extra charges, fees or taxes.

Simply put, this organization is a rip off and their treatment of me has already cost them THREE other  moves by friends of ours.  I will take it a step further and NEVER use this franchise no matter where I go.  "All My Sons" you have made a big mistake, so go waste money on your advertising I'll be happy to always recommend a company with scruples and share my experience with you to the world.  Business 101:  Stealing and deception will always bite you in the end.  People aren't as dumb as you think they are, they know when they're being fleeced.