Sunday, September 21, 2014's Illboards so ruthlessly true, it may hurt some of your feelings

The geniuses at the anti-corporate capitalist capitalists have done it again!

There are so many truisms that can make you smile, just go to

My favorite is probably the Al Gore one.  The one about Dick Cheney was only half-true, I do believed he apologized to his friend for shooting him in the face, but I'm sure they're right about his personality!

If you're offended by Despair's messages, I'd like to apologize in advance for your thin skin and feel sorry for you.

Here's an example that exemplifies the arrogance and hypocrisy that epitomizes so many meddling, big government politicians.

I'd like to add another one about Michael Bloomberg.

"Michael Bloomberg:  Proof that if you're smart at least one thing you can become a billionaire then bash the system that helped you achieve your fortune."

As a fan of Despair for over a decade, I am fascinated with this company and it's ability to make most of its money with one simple principle as its guiding force:

Sarcasm!  :-(

Michael Bloomberg

PHOTO: Rubenstein

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