Violence for the sake of violence in a movie -- there's just no need for that, with all of Hollywood's pool of "best in the world" creative talent, these ploys are cheap and shows a lack of basic creativity in our screenplay writers and Hollywood's leadership in general. It's insulting to the public to think we wouldn't appreciate higher quality from them -- sometimes, do you have a feeling they just see us all as ticket stubs? I believe that such a cavalier attitude towards senseless violence and elevating the degradation of all forms of life cloaked in "art" has contributed to lowering many people's sense of respect for others, empathy, and basic human dignity.
In "Shindler's List," the violence is appropriate, especially when placed in the context of the purpose of that movie and the audience's expectations. There's too much "shock factor" in a lot of TV shows and movies Hollywood churns out, but violence for the sake of showing violence is symptomatic of a much larger problem in today's society. Hollywood is not to blame, but I sure wish they'd hold themselves to some standards, it would be difficult to argue that it would do damage if they did. For all their chastising and scolding of the public to benefit certain social agendas they obviously cherish, would their "causes" be better served and paid more attention to if they showed us all more respect?
Anyway, back to the "The Tall Man" with Jessica Biel. It's not too scary, and though yes, children are put at risk, nothing is what you imagine. As a matter of fact, the writers of this movie do a great job pulling away just in time before you think "Oh, great, it's just another serial killer plot." I won't give much away, but the twist, then ANOTHER twist on top makes you wonder throughout the movie.
I'm not in the movie business, but usually when there's a parade of five different studio logo animations before a movie starts, I wonder. Then, the opening titles reveal "Produced by..." and lists I believe six different studio names. The next title reveals this movie was "Co-Produced By...." then lists these same studio names again. Then, it was also "Produced in cooperation with..." I'm thinking, oh, boy, this movie is a salvage operation, passed along different studios like a hot potato. It does really look silly when the big Hollywood production houses have to claim their cooperation so prominently in the opening sequence. Does anyone really care? I think it looks petty, but what do I know. The opening titles looked like something I've thrown together in 3D Max in a day. I thought, oooh, budget constraints. It just made me wonder some more when I saw that Jessica Biel was one of the co-producers. Uh oh, did she have to step in and help just to make sure this movie got distributed?
But alas, I gave the movie a chance -- and I'm glad I put my reservations aside! Jessica Biel put on a great performance as the lead. I won't go into many details, but there's a part near the end where she explains it all, there's a great sorrow, helplessness, and conflicted sincerity in her delivery. Overall, Jessica Biel really shows great range in "The Tall Man."
It ties up nicely in the end where it all actually makes sense. You're rooting for the bad guy, or is he/she the good guy? Nothing is really what it seems on the surface, even after another dramatic revelation about the town, or Jessica Biel's character is revealed.
I think most will enjoy "The Tall Man" and I recommend it. I don't know the circumstances behind its production, how well it did in theaters or if it went straight to DVD, but maybe this is the way more movies outside of the mainstream are seeing daylight now. I hope to see more movies like "The Tall Man" where certain factions in Hollywood are throwing out the typical "shock" playbook and are valuing more potential screenplays based on the merits of originality and creativity. This will be the new way to get more revenue for a longer period from their investments and by keeping their eye on quality of content, the ticket stubs will follow because these movies will have a much longer shelf life than the movies that follow the same old, predictable Hollywood formula. Be prepared to be surprised, pleasantly, in "The Tall Man."
- Aaron Belchamber
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